About us


What we stand for

At myStampede we recognise the benefits that running can have on both our mental and physical health, whilst at the same time not underestimating the drive and determination it can take in order to get out there on a regular basis.

Our standards are aimed at providing runners of all abilities to get out there and achieve their goals whether you are looking to complete your first 5km or run a new marathon PB!


I have enjoyed running ever since I was at school in the late 90’s competing in cross country at both a district and county level in my home town of Mansfield in Nottinghamshire. School provided a great structure for training and competing which made it easy to stay motivated, however since leaving school (many years ago!) I have found it hard to maintain the same drive for a great many reasons be it pressures of a busy working life, becoming a father and having the self-discipline to get out there and just do it.

For a long time I have been one of those people who enthusiastically enters events but finds the motivation for training difficult. I therefore thought what if runners could receive rewards for their training or for those of us who are not preparing for an event to receive an award for the effort that they have put in.

I have therefore developed the myStampede standards which you can see on our standards page and hope that these give you a target to aim for as well as that little push out of the door.

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